To Bond International School
"If help and salvation must become, it can only be through the children... because children are the creators of humanity"
Maria Montessori
Principal’s Welcome
It is satisfying for me being able to represent Bond International school. We are a private and secular school that was created in 2009 as a nursery school project from 0 to 6 years. Today we’ve become a multifaceted school that provides recognised education to children with diverse backgrounds and circumstances including differently abled children in both Colombo & Trincomalee.
In Bond, we work so our students will help us creating a community based on respect, collaboration and cooperation, and it will be this construction the one that will help them with their own personal growth.
Our passion is to create individual project because every one of them is special, offering them a learning based on the needs they have at each moment, in every phase, supporting those difficulties they will have and helping them by giving them the necessary tools for their present and future, where they can live their lives without giving up their dreams.
Waiting for you,
Anandan Robinson
Our Mission
At Bond, we offer an individualized, flexible teaching-learning process, adapted to the different styles and paces of each child, both in early childhood and primary education stages (Pre-kindergarten 18 months-3 years, Kindergarten 3-6 years and Elementary 6-12 years).
We aim to provide meaningful learning experiences, where what has been learned makes sense to them, that is, it has practical functionality and is related to their prior knowledge and experiences.
Our goal is to enhance each child’s talent through an educational program that responds to the need for brain integration, vital in consolidating learning at a cognitive and emotional level.