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Image by Michał Parzuchowski

For differently abled children

Image by Markus Spiske




We at Bond, ensure that the educational program is tailored to the individual student in order to provide the maximum benefit which includes education plans, monitoring of progress, and annual goals. Our education plan outlines the following,

  • The child’s special education plan (goals for the school year)

  • Services needed to help the child meet those goals

  • A method for evaluating the student’s progress

​Some children may be in a standard school environment, where they receive 30 minutes per week of speech therapy outside of the classroom. Other children may receive extra assistance on specific topics they may be struggling with. Other children may benefit from placement in a resource room for the duration of the day, which can serve children with similar needs. The way these services are delivered depends on what each child’s needs are



Child-centered learning (CCL) makes children co-creators of their own education, engaging them in decisions about what, when, and how they learn. In doing so, CCL helps prepare children not only with academic knowledge, but also with the skills of self-direction, curiosity, creativity, and collaboration they’ll need for future success.

At Bond, we ensure every child's experience is centered to create meaningful learning environment.

What are the benefits of Child Centered Learning?

  • Personalization improves child's attitudes towards learning

  • Advances in child's ability to think and work independently

  • Stronger relationships between students and teachers through shared experiences

  • Increased student interest in school activities and education in general

Image by luis arias





Yoga has been shown to benefit individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Anxiety, Asthma, physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, recovering from illness and individuals with motor planning difficulties.

At Bond, we provide our children with weekly 2 sessions of Yoga which benefit them in the following ways,

Yoga can reduce anxiety - Many children with special needs and on the autism spectrum are in a constant heightened state. This is the body’s response to stress and sleep disruptions, which can be exacerbated into full-blown anxiety. This can be seen physically through their breathing. The yogic practice of breathing exercises, poses and guided imagery helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, an activity also known as “rest, relax and digest.

Yoga can increase self-awareness and improves motor skills- As children practice mindful movement in various yoga poses and learn to identify body parts, they can develop a greater sense of self and their body. Practicing poses on both sides of the body, the students cross the midline. Poses such as tree, airplane (warrior 3) and seated twists can increase body awareness and develops gross motor skills.

Yoga can help with emotional regulation - Children with ASD can have difficulty expressing their emotions and communicating in social settings. At this time, this can be seen in unexpected outbursts or inappropriate ways of communicating. Through the combination of movement, music and breathing exercises, the brain’s emotional region is activated. This encourages children to develop emotional awareness.



Swimming is a phenomenal exercise. But besides promoting healthiness, it provides many emotional benefits to children with special needs. 

At Bond, our children get to go swimming weekly once where they enjoy the calming effects of water with a dedicated coach. There are three major goals why we incorporated swimming for special needs children:

Physical benefits With each kick or stroke, water resistance helps to build muscle tone and strength.  Even more important for children with disabilities, the process of learning to swim helps with balance, coordination, and the development of motor skills.  As children learn to float and then move through the water, they are isolating muscle groups and learning how to coordinate different motions in order to achieve a physical goal.

Emotional benefits - Two of the primary goals of any childhood swim program are to develop self-confidence and build self-esteem.  Many children experience an exponential sense of achievement when learning to swim because, as they learn new skills, they continue to explore their boundaries and discover new abilities.

Safety benefits - According to the National Autism Association, drowning is among the leading causes of death for children with autism.  This is because of three common autistic characteristics: wandering, fascination with the water, and a lack of understanding of danger.  Across the board, children with special needs have a higher risk of drowning.  Teaching children to swim can mean the difference between life and death if they find themselves accidentally in the water.  It is the best way to protect your child.

Inflatable Swimming Pool



Children with special needs often have great difficulty interpreting emotions and making sense of social cues.


Here are some ideas and activities that we practice with our children to help them improve social skills.

  • Staring contest

  • Emotion charades

  • Face games

  • Staying on topic game

  • Speakers box

  • Improvisational storytelling

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